Dublin Diocesan Pastoral Council (DDPC)

A process is now under way to form a new Dublin Diocesan Pastoral Council. The maximum number on the DDPC is 21, made up as follows:

  • Nine lay people (a process of discernment will take place);
  • Two lay people who are personal nominees of the Archbishop
  • A female religious;
  • A male religious or permanent deacon;
  • Director of the Office of Mission and Ministry (ex-officio);
  • Area Episcopal Vicars (ex-officio);
  • Vicars General (ex-officio);
  • Auxiliary Bishops (ex-officio);

December Deanery Meeting

A presentation explaining the discernment method will given. Those gathered will be asked to think of people who meet the criteria for membership of the DDPC. They will be asked to prayerfully reflect, and to ask those who come to mind if their name can be put forward at the special Deanery gathering.

Special Deanery Gathering

The members of the Deanery are asked to come to a special Deanery gathering to prayerfully discern the name(s) of suitable member(s) of the DDPC. This will be a time of prayer, lasting about an hour, during which members of the Deanery will be asked to place the consideration forms in the box. This will take place within a week of the Deanery Meeting

Deanery Committee Discernment

Within a week of the special Deanery gathering, the VF and the Deanery Committee will meet and open the box and go through the names. Following the discernment process they will choose three names from the Deanery Gathering to go forward from those placed in the box, to the next level of discernment. The candidates will be invited by the VF to complete the personal reflection form.

Pastoral Area Discernment

In mid-January the Auxiliary Bishops/Area Episcopal Vicars will meet with the VFs and a member of the Deanery Committees of their area. Following the discernment process, they will choose five names from the nine sent forward from the Deanery discernment to go forward to the next level of discernment.

Diocesan Discernment

In early February the Archbishop will call the Moderator of the Curia, the Auxiliary Bishops/Area Episcopal Vicars and five lay people to the final discernment meeting. Following the discernment process, they will choose nine people from the twenty five sent forward from the Pastoral Area discernment for membership of the DDPC. Following an orientation workshop the DDPC will be commissioned at a Diocesan celebration.

Source: https://dublindiocese.ie/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/DDPCweb.pdf

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