Weekend Masses
The parish cantor leads the community in song at the Sunday 11.00 AM Mass. Some recordings of Masses can be seen by scrolling to the “Watch Videos” section of this web page.
The Guild of Choristers of St. Cecelia, established in 1904, had an unbroken tradition in the Latin sung Mass for several decades. The Choristers, led by Robert Daly, used to sing at the 9:30 AM Sunday Mass. We are very appreciative of the time and effort they contribute in maintaining such an important tradition in St. Mary’s. The Guild of Choristers of St. Cecilia was established by the Most Rev. Dr. Nicholas Donnelly, P.P. of St. Mary’s. Its principal objective was to provide trained singers for the liturgical services of the parish by affording boys attending St. Mary’s National School and others who may had the necessary voice capability an opportunity of taking an active part in the scared liturgy of the Church. Members with few exceptions began their singing as boys in the guild. The guild sang at many other churches as well as on television and radio and was privileged to sing at the Patrician Year Mass in Croke Park and at the Papal Mass in the Phoenix Park. In 1988 it made its first journey overseas singing at the Brompton Oratory, Notre Dame, St. Peter’s and St. Mark’s the highlight of which was its singing for Pope John Paul II. A beautiful illuminated scroll, setting out the objectives and other details of the guild hangs in the south porch of St. Mary’s.