Fabric and Maintenance
Church Refurbishment 2011
Shortly after his appointment as Parish Priest, Msgr, Finn formed an Advisory Council to assist him in planning for the future of the Parish. Dr. Margaret Downes was appointed Chairperson and the first meeting took place in February 2004 when two sub-committees were established to take responsibility for the principle priority areas of finance and property. At that time the finances of the Parish were in an extremely poor state with inadequate funds available to meet large items such as annual insurance premiums. At the same time it was clear that the Church was in a sorry physical state of repair with obvious evidence of leaking roofs, loose slates, broken gutters and pipes and dry rot all indicating a need for significant and costly work in the near future.
When the Parish Pastoral Council was established in September 2005 the Advisory Council became the Fabric and Maintenance Ministry with Anthony Leonard as Chairperson. The major achievements of the Ministry are as follows:
• Health and safety issues concerning car parking in the Church grounds including establishment of a structured allocation of limited available spaces and the negotiation and issue of licences for use of some spaces by teachers from the two Parish Schools
• Obtaining grants towards the cost of refurbishment and conservation works
• Further development of a steady income flow for current expenditure including planned giving
• Meeting with the Diocesan Secretariat to advise and obtain approval for proposed refurbishment and development works and means of financing
• Conclusion of review of insurances on church property
• Procuring a report on the installation of a change ringing peal of bells including a preliminary survey of the Tower structure to confirm the feasibility of the proposal which will be considered as a later phase of the refurbishment and development proposals subject to funding availability
• Review of proposals for the Parish Radio System to ensure compliance with planning and conservation regulations
• Procuring a report on the overdue refurbishment or replacement of the Church organ and further development of the preliminary proposals with a view to identify the optimum solution and order of cost parameters. Implementation will be subject to available funding.
• Review of proposals for upgrading the security installation for the Church and other properties